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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 6.50
Beneyriey wrote on 02.11.2021:
[6.0] "I'm pleasantly surprised to see this promotion is still going. I remember attending a few of their shows when I was younger, and a lot of their young British stars have gone on to have successful careers in the industry. Though nowadays they're a different iteration of the ASW of yesteryear, they are still running shows. Despite no longer having any guest attraction, they remain loyal to giving exposure to young talent."
5nicoShuffle wrote on 26.06.2021:
[2.0] "Credit to them for longevity, but they put on very average shows. Family friendly shows yes, but average shows. ASW have been overtaken by so many other UK promotions in terms of overall action & presentation, but have allowed many oversees talent to be showcased on their shows. Were a bit notorious in years past for some of their "tributing" of many famous WWE Gimmicks and ideas. Their origins trace back to a more sporting contest type of presentation, which i wasn't particularly a fan of. But a lot of history and a host of great names wrestled for them over the many years."
kynky wrote on 07.06.2018:
[6.0] "A solid wrestling company that has been around for a long time and has seen many others come and go. They've been left behind by the UK wrestling boom, instead sticking to their guns and producing safe, family friendly shows that cater to the masses."
Lee Vilenski wrote on 14.08.2017:
[9.0] "It's almost impossible to comprehend the size of the ASW show; because of two reasons. One, it's huge! You will see no other company on the planet (to my knowledge) that runs the sheer amount of shows as All-Star; except the WWE, and even then it's probably not too far off. And, two; for this reason, there is very little results that come from All-Star. But, they can run 200-300 shows a year; and during the summer months; run 3-5 shows a day! (They usually have a few different runs of people doing holiday parks up and down the UK). It's hard to rate it as a 10, as a promotion; as you're unlikely to be able to see much of it as a wrestling fan; but they only use the best workers; working towards a non-wrestling fanbase. But; the sheer volume of work that they give to those in the UK Scene is worth a very high rating from me."
Cort3z wrote on 15.07.2017:
[3.0] "ASW used to be a really good promotion but over the years they have lost their appeal. Idk if it's not being able to pull in big names in the UK or the fact that they haven't had any real champions/ title defenses in years."
BarKing81 wrote on 03.09.2016:
[5.0] "I dont really get why All Star's rating is so high. I get the history behind them, and that wrestling for ASW is a great learning opportunity for wrestlers, but nobody really ever sees any of their shows/matches, so I cant really rate them higher than a 5."
JamesHarrison wrote on 15.03.2015:
[6.0] "Been to quite a few of All Star shows around my neck of the woods (London). Thought they have some pretty solid workers but don't like the style most of the matches are done. They seem to be all show and no go. Shows are worth going to though as I've recently seen former WWE Gangrel appear and got his autograph."
catchfan wrote on 14.04.2010:
[9.0] "Tolle Liga mit den mit Abstand meisten Shows pro Jahr in Europa, abwechslungsreicher Kader."
Kaffoe 666 wrote on 27.08.2008:
[9.0] "Unglaubliche Liga. Roster, Anzahl der Shows, Qualität. ASW ist das Topprodukt von der Insel, da kann 1PW mal einpacken ;)"
Obermacker wrote on 17.08.2007:
[10.0] "Die Topliga in Europa mit über 300 Shows pro Jahr und bekannten amerikanischen Gastwrestlern; perfekt für jung Athleten, um dort Erfahrung zu sammeln."