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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 6.48
sarahlicity wrote on 29.04.2024:
[5.0] "The 1990s were a great time if you wanted to create your own breakaway league. Sure, Kerry Packer never succeeded with cricket in the 70s, but the Premier League did with football in 1992, and then so did darts, rugby, and weirdly, professional wrestling. Pena and his new outfit came out the gates pretty hot, like they all did, but where does it stand now? And the answer is a resounding "meh". Whereas you could argue the merits of WWE/AEW and NJPW/AJPW/NOAH until the cows come home, the grand total of Konnan's booking and the Penas' stewardship have shown a lot of style but very little substance. A few weeks ago, I joked about AAA in 2024 being very much like WWF in 1994, in that it houses one of the greatest wrestlers on the planet (Vikingo/Bret), but the rest of the card is basically a bunch of Doinks, and even though that's a harsh statement... I'm not really wrong, am I?"
Grissom wrote on 19.03.2024:
[5.0] "AAA hat viele Auf und Abs in deren Geschichte zu verweisen. Das aktuelle Produkt (Stand 2023/24) ist leider nicht mehr überzeugend auf vielen Ebenen und fällt vermehrt durch fragwürdiges Booking auf. Die Show Qualtät hat starke Schwankungen, oftmals eher in den schwächeren Bereich als in guter Lucha Action."
HC7 wrote on 15.02.2024:
[4.0] "AAA is and has been runner up for a long while now. If youve only seen AAA it may seem like ideal Lucha Libre but once getting into CMLL it really showcases the differences in each company and how less rounded many of AAAs talent are. It doesnt help that AAA is seemingly far more open to booking anyone regardless of how shit of a person they are if it manages to fill just 20 more seats. Theres talent and stuff Ive liked and still like in AAA over the years but its really become apparent to me over the past several years that AAA is probably not getting away from playing second fiddle to CMLL for a very long time if ever with the way it is. Its many foreigners first (including myself) introduction to any sort of Lucha Libre in Mexico itself which is a good thing and something that CMLL just seemingly doesnt try at all to grow to a non Mexican audience."
DangoDaisuki wrote on 14.08.2023:
[4.0] "Die meisten Matches die ich von AAA sehe haben so viele Botches. Es gibt keine andere so große Promotion die auch so viele schlechten Matches hat. Ja, es gibt immer mal wieder ein paar Highlights dazwischen, aber dann oft von Leuten die gar nicht bei AAA arbeiten."
afrozel wrote on 31.03.2023:
"For me, this promotion is the most entertaining to watch. They could benefit from better booking and international coverage"
KesagakeOK wrote on 16.03.2023:
[5.0] "Some of the best luchadors in the world and some of the most absurd, nonsensical angles you will see anywhere. Well worth the watch for their bigger shows, but prepare to be baffled and go smacked by the absurdity of the booking in between some of the best lucha action you'll find anywhere."
Luna100 wrote on 22.12.2022:
[5.0] "Very messy, they have a great pool of talent, especially after taking many of CMLL's guys, however, the product feels samey, its very chaotic. The production is awful, cutting constantly, and terrible audio, these hurt their matxhes for me, there is a lot of bullshit on their cards as well. With its roster it could be the top lucha promotion. Despite this, it is firmly behind CMLL, and Big Lucha."
crs285 wrote on 19.11.2022:
[6.0] "Promotion with a lot of history and some great matches. Modern day puts on good shows but definitely has a tendency to have a few bad matches on shows. Usually, the big shows are still good. Might rely a little too heavily on foreign stars over homegrown ones at times."
eltetechori wrote on 03.11.2022:
[6.0] "It is a promoter with history, but it leaves much to be desired as the shows are organized and everything that entails, because it is nothing flashy."
Jstorr1992 wrote on 24.01.2022:
[10.0] "AAA might be a complete car wreck but it's one entertaining car wreck to watch. It may not be like lucha of the past, but it's AAA."
XXDoubleHHXX wrote on 23.12.2021:
[3.0] "Every time I watch this company it's a complete mess. Matches are botchy as hell, matches just end without winners, matches not being advertised like at all it's fine if it's a lower card match but if you have big matches you advertise them. The worst is most of the matches, are really bad with the exception of one or two matches."
MatZeClown wrote on 20.12.2021:
[4.0] "I don't know what some of these other people are watching. Triplemania Regia showed that AAA is still a mess, even when they have shows with fans. 2021 was a sad year for this promotion, with many TV tapings being in front of nobody (COVID restrictions), and the material from those tapings seems to live in a parallel universe, with regards to the big events. There's still too much of a reliance on old names, and the heel side is currently too heavy. On top of that, it has to be said - Konnan is creatively bankrupt in today's wrestling. He loves his usual swerves and outdated xenophobic tropes, but this stuff has been done to death. Especially the "someone comes out with babyface only to betray him immediately" bit. It's sad because there is talent, and this promotion was in a position to deliver a knockout blow to CMLL, but instead, AAA's Triplemania Regia only proved that both promotions have serious problems. Hell, at least CMLL is slowly building new stars, and got to play with NJPW and Ice Ribbon talents, even if only for a bit. They even made women main event. AAA is mainly Konnan's wild ride, with El Hijo del Vikingo as the current top champion, and the Muñoz family coming in to spice things up near the top of the card. Seriously, do yourself a favor and don't watch AAA's TV product, it was so poor this year. CMLL can rest easy if THIS is the competition."
Jorhorge wrote on 01.09.2021:
[8.0] "Currently, Triple A is the best Mexican product in terms of wrestling, being the most renewed it is and better knows how to handle rivalries, in addition to having great wrestlers such as Alberto el Patron, Garza Jr, Myzteziz and Rey Mysterio Jr, something else To highlight is its relationship with AEW because Kenny Omega is a world champion, a great company with a fairly decent product."
blastostg wrote on 28.07.2021:
[10.0] "Best lucha promotion going. While the company has had a few bad years off and on, the in ring product has almost always been near the top. The last few years the company has moved away from a lot of the issues plaguing the booking. Most shows deliver and even those that don't are still pretty fun. While not really stuck in stasis the same way CMLL is, a lot of the roster could use more forward momentum more frequently. From their boom period in the 90s to their current product, I have no issue giving them an easy 10."
TeamCanadaTwoPointOh wrote on 20.06.2021:
[9.0] "I get that the storytelling at this point is not good at all and that the seemingly non-serialized nature can make it hard or pointless to follow, but all I can say to that is: read a book for your storytelling. I can't see the wild, creative, or fun moves that AAA offers in literature, and although it's present in other wrestling promotions, the wild shit starts here. From Eddie and Rey to Penta and Fenix, this is the place where future stars get to try out all the wildness that ends up getting them over in America once they conquer Mexico. I can watch any wrestling show and see restholds that 'tell a story' but the moves I see in lucha libre, and AAA in particular, will always be the kind of fun I want in my wrestling."
WrestlingStats1 wrote on 07.02.2021:
[8.0] "Assets: Has managed to establish itself as a top promotion in their home country. Offers a more contemporary promotional model than their chief competitor (which includes touring. ) Their ambitions to expand internationally are increasing their influence in the North American market. - - - Flaws: Their efforts to expand internationally without any partnership have not been successful to date. Their flagship shows have been disastrous at times, which have marred their reputation with fans outside of Mexico. May not have the business acumen (or perhaps more appropriately, business mores) to succeed beyond the Mexican market. - - - Promotion Potential: National league wrestling promotion with major league aspirations."
TheEternalSovereign wrote on 13.12.2020:
[10.0] "AAA is the perfect homolagation of AEW and CMLL. The realism is outstanding the production quality is phenomanal the characters are intriguing and they do weekly youtube shows for free. This is easily one of the top three promotions in the world right now."
medouse wrote on 09.12.2020:
[9.0] "For me, it's the best lucha libre promotion on the face of the Earth. While the wrestling quality is a bit worse than CMLL, their overall presentation and their international cooperation is their best feature. They have well known wrestlers, very intense storylines, great feuds, professional commentary, awesome events and they upload most of their shows on their YT channel. To sum up, the best wrestling in Mexico and one of the best companies on world arena."
laldila wrote on 23.08.2019:
[6.0] "Wish they would focus a little more on the hardcore aspects for my tastes, but from what I've seen they're a fun promotion that can occasionally drop the ball big time."
Cibs wrote on 30.01.2019:
[4.0] "With the exception of its first three or four years, Triple A has always been a highly unstable company; although I think that few people outside Mexico understand how important it was and how it changed the lucha libre scenario forever. Unfortunately its quality has been very poor for a long time, with stories that are always the same (evil foreigners wanting to take control), bad wrestling, EXCESSIVE use of interferences and a poor level of production even though it is not a small company ."
TylerWhite wrote on 19.01.2019:
[8.0] "Mittlerweile wohl die bessere und auch größere der beiden großen Lucha Libre Ligen. Sicherlich ist CMLL die weit traditionsreichere Liga, doch AAA hat mittlerweile das bessere Roster das neben großen Stars des Lucha Libre (Drago, Fenix, Pentago, Texano Jr. etc. ) auch internationale Stars wie Johnny Mundo oder Brian Cage hat. Generell ist sie die internationalere Liga, die auch durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Ligen wie Impact Wrestling oder nicht zuletzt Lucha Underground auch große Popularität in Amerika gewinnen konnte. Mit Triplemania haben sie auch eine jährliche große Show, die durchaus auch ein großes Highlight im Wrestlingjahr sein kann."
zephyr wrote on 09.11.2018:
[4.0] "AAA is a sort of loveable mess. Their booking in recent years has been all over the place and you never know where they're gonna take you next."
Sebastian V wrote on 22.01.2018:
[6.0] "AAA ist die spiegelverkehrte CMLL. Viel moderner und besser was den Entertainmentfaktor angeht aber bei weitem nicht so konstant sondern eher zwischen Genie und Wahnsinn wandelnd. Sie haben gute Storylines und tolle Momente und dann wieder Vorfälle und Matches wo man nur mit dem Kopf schüttelt. Erstmal zum positiven: Der Roster ist gut und hat neben großen mexikanischen Namen auch internationale wie Johnny Mundo zu bieten. Zudem hat man teilweise innovative Ideen siehe Lucha Underground. Zudem kann man in den Main Events gute Matches zeigen und vorallem Stimmung erzeugen siehe die Demaskierung von Dr. Wagner beim letzten Triplemania. Aber Stichwort Triplemania ist auch die andere Seite. Weil in der Midcard und Undercard sind auch immer upfucks und Skandale zu sehen ( um nur mal zwei zu nennen vom letzten Triplemania: 1. Dieses komische Tag Team Battle Royal oder was das sein sollte das niemand verstanden hat. 2. Der Shoot von Sexy Star). Insgesamt möchte ich daher 6 Punkte geben, da AAA trotz seiner Makel und Skandale auch mit den vielen verschiedenen DIvisions und den Zuschauern die sie ziehen etwas gutes fürs mexikanische Wrestling tun."
Willie Jones wrote on 23.01.2017:
[2.0] "This company is money strapped and is a big hot mess. Imagine giving this company now a 10. Its not even a 5. It's less than 4. What a joke of a wrestling company AAA has become. At one point they were doing fantastic business. Those days are long behind them. Bad management is mostly to blame."
ApexOfEvolution wrote on 05.01.2017:
[8.0] "Für mich die mit Abstand bessere der beiden großen mexikanischen Promotionen. AAA ist im Ggensatz zu CMLL mit der Zeit gegangen und drängt jetzt über LU auch auf den US-amerikanischen Markt. Bei AAA sind die besseren Wrestler unter Vertrag u. a. auch welche, die nicht aus Mexiko stammen. Die Shows sind professionel aufgezogen und Events wie Triplemania sind Highlights im internationalen Wrestlingkalender. Negativ für mich ist das Übermaß an Titeln."
ILoveProWrestling01 wrote on 13.11.2016:
[6.0] "It is not a bad promotion but it is not in its best moments. Many Wrestlers quits up the company. They lost a great talent like Fenix. They have many talented Wrestlers like Pentagon JR and they have them doing nothing with He´s. I hope it gets better."
Wrestle fanboy wrote on 20.10.2016:
[8.0] "The more modern with a blend of classic style of lucha libre, excellent type of wrestling and a huge sensation of a highly impact action. Outstanding performances by all famous and legendary luchadors even the classic performers join this upstanding sensation luchafest"
Zed wrote on 07.05.2016:
[7.0] "AAA ist zwar nicht Mexikos größte Liga, dafür die unterhaltsamste. Während man beim CMLL auf traditionelles Lucha Libre setzt zeigt man bei der AAA viel Entertainment. Jedoch sind die Roldans gerade dabei den Karren hart gegen die Wand zu fahren mit ihren merkwürdigen Aussagen und verärgerungen der Worker. Dennoch ein Produkt das man sich immer wieder ansehen kann, sofern man denn etwas für Lucha Entertainment übrig hat."
Sundowner wrote on 16.04.2016:
[5.0] "This is no 10. It isn't even a fucking 6. It is a mess. It happens to showcase everyone's favorite Scrappy Doo promotion wrestlers."
Iam betterthan wrote on 02.09.2015:
[10.0] "AAA is a very good wrestling promotion, Since their Inaugral year they are showcasing good shows and good Lucha style. The Wrestlers which have wrestled in AAA got a big attraction later their respective careers (Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, 2 Cold Scorpio, Psicosis, Juventud Guerrero and many more) their shows enjoyable and i think in Future AAA will become one of the best promotion in World."
Maxicazal5 wrote on 20.06.2015:
[9.0] "Real, High and Excelent wrestling. The prestige of the masks and hair is very good and the show have some real good matches. Its very underrated cause is not a show like with all the lights, theme and that but is real good wrestling."
zackwoowoowooryder wrote on 05.01.2015:
[7.0] "Eine Liga die auch schon auf eine lange Vergangenheit zurückblicken kann und die immer auf konstant ordentlichem Niveau Wrestling geboten hat."
Sick Boy wrote on 10.08.2013:
[8.0] "Cooles Sports-Entertainment im Lucha Libre-Stil. CMLL ist die traditionsreichere Liga, AAA bietet dafür einfach mehr Abwechslung und wirkt auf mich moderner."
MaikBaader wrote on 05.09.2011:
[5.0] "IWRG und CMLL steckt diese Liga locker ein. Schon lange nicht mehr sehenswert. 5 Punkte gibt es für die starken Jahre in den 90ern."
KrizKey wrote on 10.08.2011:
[8.0] "Die für mich bessere, der beiden großen MEX-Ligen."
Christian Classic Cage wrote on 26.06.2011:
[8.0] "Wenn man es mal so Ausdrücken möchte: AAA ist eine Alternative für ehemalige WWE Fans, die mit dem In-Ring Produkt der US Liga nicht mehr zufrieden sind. Sie bietet nette Storylines (Manchmal etwas zu abgedreht), wartet mit solidem bis gutem Wrestling auf und hatt durch das Konzept mit den wenigen PPV's, die auch noch mit dem Six Sided Ring als etwas besonderes präsentiert werden, einen gewissen Charme, der die Großen Events um vieles bedeutender erscheinen lässt. Zwar ist die CMLL dem wrestlerischem um Längen überlegen, kann aber aufgrund geringerem Fokus auf Storylines nicht so sehr fesseln wie AAA!"
Topper wrote on 23.08.2010:
[8.0] "Du bon, du mauvais, malgré un gros bordel backstage, du talent in-ring et de longues storylines interessantes"
T-Wayne wrote on 20.02.2010:
[7.0] "Ein gute Lucha-Liga, die sehr gutes Spot Wrestling bietet. Für Spot-Wrestling-Hasser ist diese Liga jedoch überhaupt nicht geeignet."
brianpillman wrote on 29.12.2009:
[9.0] "Ich bin großer AAA-Fan. Zum einen mag ich das Schillernde, die großen Arenen, die Versuche, mal etwas Neues auszuprobieren, sowie viele Storylines und die meisten der Matches. Und auf Triplemania freue ich mich jedes Jahr mindestens so sehr wie auf Wrestlemania."
Aquifel wrote on 01.05.2009:
[4.0] "Wenn man sich anschaut, was heute oft in der AAA geboten wird... also atemberaubend ist das nicht mehr. Und irgendwie ist der Count der Ringrichter sehr langsam. Das nimmt einiges an Dynamik weg."
Hirnklops wrote on 06.11.2008:
[4.0] "Ach AAA... Du warst mal so gut, in den 90ern, das war ganz großes Kino. Heute bist du nur noch ein Schatten deiner selbst, genau wie deine einstigen Superstars."
LexLuger4ever wrote on 23.02.2008:
[6.0] "Die andere gute Promotion Mexikos, die aber deutlich im Schatten von CMLL steht!"
Masterpiece wrote on 29.10.2007:
[4.0] "Ich möchte diese Liga auf keine Fall unterbewerten, aber was ich von dieser Liga gesehen habe, war auf jeden Fall so gut, ist Geschmackssache einige Lieben diese Liga andere Hassen sie!"