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Don Fujii

Also known as Big Fuji, Catcher Fujii, Don Fuji, Karaoke Machine #1, Sumo Dandy Fuji, Sumo Dandy Fuji 2000, Sumo Fuji, Pero Fujii, Turboyan, Tatsuki Fuji, Strong Machine F

Displaying items 1 to 45 of total 45 items that match the search parameters.
121.01.2024All Cops Are Bossman7.0 
322.07.2023UltimoDragon7.0Don Fujii has been a consistent part of Dragon Gate in the mentor role for a number of wrestlers. Solid in the ring but nothing flashy - He's often used to mentor or test younger wrestlers even using the Boston Crab as a finisher primarily on the rookies only. A key member of Crazy MAX, Blood Generation and the Strong Machines he's still active in the ring and the kind of experienced wrestler to add some stability and shine to the roster. He's had a kleptomanic gimmick that has seen him try to skateboard, surf and ride a bicycle along with the odd bit of Karaoke! Proof that you can be useful to a wrestling company without having to be the main attraction.
915.09.2022Shoot Headbutt Lover8.0 
1319.02.2022Crippler Crossface7.0 
1910.01.2021arrancar6.0Fujii sticks out like a small thumb in a promotion like DG with fast-paced action, high-flying acrobatics galore, and lean-bodied stars with idol looks. And this is all what makes Fujii so endearing, since he clearly doesn't belong alongside the likes of Yoshino, Hulk, Skywalker, or Eita, yet that never stops him showing heaps of heart and energy in all his matches. His completely different offence also makes for interest, since he's far slower and more strike-based, all while often playing up his "wow I'm really out of my league with these crazy-talented young guys" character, which makes it impossible to not cheer from him when he tries (almost always in vein) to give the young guys a beating in spite of his physical shortcomings. Fujii isn't someone who will help produce a great match, but he can definitely give a great performance in his own special way.
2031.12.2020Khalid Ace6.0 
2115.12.2020Strong Zero Machine5.0 
2605.04.2018Sebastian V6.0Don Fuji ist jemand, der mit seinem ganzen Stil und seiner ganzen Erscheinung wirklich heraussticht. Im Ring ist er solide. Er ist vor Allem ein Brawler und seine Chops sehen gut aus. Er ist jedoch limitiert im Moveset und funktioniert auch deshalb vor Allem in Multi Men Matches. Ansonsten ist nichts an ihm wirklich herausstechend ( Selling, Psychologie etc) weshalb ich ihm 5 Punkte im Ring geben würde. Ausstrahlung ist jedoch bei ihm absolut da. Er ist nicht der Dragon Gate Megastar aber doch jemand, der immer Reaktionen zieht und eine gewisse Präsenz vor Allem auch was Mimik und Gestik angeht hat. Deswegen 7 Punkte fürs Charisma. Insgesamt 6 Punkte für einen Worker, der in Mid- und Undercard verlässlich abliefert.
3211.08.2016BrentDelivine8.0Don Fujii is 46. Don Fujii is like the abusive dad who'll slap you for being out of line, wear a bath robe, drink a beer, challenge you to a sumo match and then hang out with his buddies Cima and Gamma. I refer to him as Dad Fujii. He's still very entertaining, breaking out the sumo spots and a decent chokeslam. I compare him a lot to Minoru Suzuki and although he isn't as good at the wrestling aspect Suzuki is, he's arguably better at the comedy than Suzuki is. I'd like to see him team with Suzuki in his retirement match, slapping the young boys as they come to the ring.
3328.07.2016Cure8.0Whenever Don is in a match you can expect two things, he either works a comedy match or will stiff the fuck out of his opponent and try to throw him off a balcony, one of the most entertaining guys out there.
3405.01.2016Tim Flyn7.0 
3616.06.2012ARIZA6.0Sehr cooler Typ. Zwar wrestlerisch nicht der beste, aber durchaus eine angenehme Abwechslung auch ihn mal bei Dragon Gate zu sehen.
3929.09.2008STRIGGA6.0Grundsolider Wrestler, der sich im Ring unverkennbar bewegt. Sicherlich das Gegenteil von dem, was man bei Dragon Gate erwartet, aber auch deshalb hat er eine Daseinsberechtigung.
4001.05.2008LexLuger4ever6.0Wahrhaftig ne coole Sau, wrestlerisch aber auch nicht schlecht.
4117.04.2008Baszdmeg7.0Zeichnet sich bei den Dragon Gate Leuten natürlich nicht durch die Fähigkeiten im Ring aus, aber Fuji ist ein extrem sympathischer und charismatischer Kerl.
4215.03.2008Rob Van Duesenschrauber6.04 Punkte fürs Wrestling und 2 Punkte für Coolness. Mag zar im Ring nicht mehr der Beste sein, aber in Tag Team Matches sehe ich ihn sehr gerne,